Chamber Music Series

Chaconnes and Other Hits
Violinist Louella Alatiit joins Early Music Minnesota for a concert of music by Vivaldi, Castello, Merula, Ucellini, and more.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 3045 Chicago Ave, Mpls, MN 55407

Storms, Gardens, Patience, & Bliss
Soprano Linh Kauffman joins Early Music Minnesota for a concert of music by Bach, Handel, and Schmelzer.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 3045 Chicago Ave, Mpls, MN 55407

Platti: Sonatas for Three and Origin Stories CD Release
Selections from Early Music Minnesota's two new recordings: Platti: Sonatas for Three and Origin Stories.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 3045 Chicago Ave, Mpls, MN 55407

Concert III
A concert of trio sonatas by Leclair, Corelli, and more.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 3045 Chicago Ave, Mpls, MN 55407

Concert II
A performance of violin sonatas and suites by Bach, Fiocco, Mondonville, and Corrette.
Mount Olive Lutheran Church | 3045 Chicago Ave, Mpls, MN 55407